It's been a tough week for me. Just a few nights ago, at around 2 am, I got a call from my dad telling me about the bad news they received about me. People who I am close to know what the bad news was and it doesn't get badder for me since I tried to keep this a secret from them, my parents, for albeit almost 3 months now. Well, it gets worse. The bad news is that, after 9 semesters, I've been dismissed from my college. But hope didn't end there. First, I really want to finish a degree in U.P.. Before, it was supposed to be a degree in Civil Engineering. But as a result of my laziness, I had to do with any degree. I tried to keep this from my parents since I felt I knew what they'd ask me to do. And so it happened. Which is the worst part. They, meaning my father, asked me to transfer to Another University to finish a degree in C.E.. This was what I avoided. Well, I still want that. But as of now, all I want is to graduate in U.P.. Then again, I have to be practical...